Hafele Tandem Boxes
Hafele Tandem boxes are used in modular kitchens which have special sliding mechanism. They are drawers in the form of containers that are used for storage purposes. Hafele Tandem Boxes come in a variety of forms, shapes and sizes and they come in concealed form for metal drawers and openers. They can also be used for heavy drawers and pull outs.
Tandem boxes are perfect for storing all the consumables in one single place, also allowing you access to them exactly where you are instead of having to look around for stuff here and there. The best thing about tandem boxes is that they allow you to arrange all your consumables in one location and all of these are easily within your reach.
Tandem boxes serve as the perfect drawer for storing your kitchen essentials in the most organized manner. They are simple, sophisticated and highly functional. Those who want to incorporate a minimalist design in the kitchen yet keep it stylish, convenient and comfortable, Tandem boxes are the right answer for them! In all modular kitchens, tandem boxes are the number one equipment that adds to the comfort factor as well as the glam factor in the kitchens.
These boxes may have several divisions for all the kitchen provisions including the grocery, spices and other knickknacks. You can neatly organize even the plates and utensils used for everyday cooking in the kitchen with the help of these awesome looking and super functional tandem boxes. A tandem box allows for storing of plates in the plate holder inside the drawer. They certainly do save your kitchen from a lot of clutter
The next time you enter your kitchen for cooking, you won’t have to search around for anything as these boxes offer you the convenience of storing everything in the right place, designed so exceptionally well. The high fronted pull outs allow you to store food and consumables in the base cabinet. You could also personalize your design as per your taste while designing your modular kitchen.
While talking about the materials used for making tandem boxes, they do come in a variety of materials and finish including natural wood, laminate and veneer. The knobs and handles are also generally made of wood or metal. Tandem boxes in stainless steel finish give your kitchen an effortlessly chic and elegant look. Most companies offer a minimalist design which also means it is very very functional and has a sophisticated design at the same time. Tandem boxes are not just limited to grocery and food items, you can as well store your pots and pans neatly along with their lids in these huge deep drawers with ease and use them whenever you want without having to search for it or messing up the other Well, if you have been actually wondering what tandem boxes are.. they are nothing but beautiful and functional drawers that serve multiple storage purposes in kitchens and make your kitchen exceptionally neat and organized.